Loving Comes

Someone tell me why I still dated this guy for another two years after writing this. Spoiler alert, nothing changed.


Loving comes easy

Even when you make me cold

Even when you make me empty


You grasp my chin and whisper

Words that you won’t say aloud.

They fill the cavity you bore.

They echo in this empty hall,

And I dream melodies over the nothing

Because being wanted means feeling whole.


Loving comes heavy

When you say I am too much and not enough.

I fashion masks so you can pick

And tuck myself in a drawer you never check.

When you open your heart just a little

My desperate hands reach for rain

Get bruised with hail

You say it’s water all the same.


Loving comes distant

When silence is your best response

Your life unchanged

Passing by at your convenience.

How pretty, a thing to have

And look at

And keep.

I had flown into your hands

And found myself in a jar


I thought

For a moment

That your world was brighter

So I tore at my dying heart

Needing sunbeams

Getting wind.


But time holds the hand you wouldn’t

And once this heart you didn’t want

Wastes away

Loving goes.



